We welcome new members. The more engaged members we have, the more effective is our voice on planning, development and other important community issues. Membership fees help offset the costs of holding membership events.
Annual membership fees are $15 for the first person and $10 for each additional household member if initiated at the same time. New membership applications, renewals or donations can be accomplished in three ways: e-payment; cheque by mail; or in person at SCA public events when they resume. Next step is to complete the membership form. When joining, please give us your name, e-mail address, phone number and address. We, at times, mail important and time sensitive notifications to our members. If renewing your membership, let us know of any changes to your contact information. Be assured that we never share your personal information.
Go to your financial institution’s secure Interac page on the web. Details on e-payment will differ from one financial institution to another.
Send funds to sidneycommunityassoc@gmail.com Please note that this email address is different from the SCA email address for general correspondence.
Cheque payment
Write a cheque to Sidney Community Association and mail it to:
Sidney Community Association
P.O. Box 20095
Sidney, B.C.
V8L 5V9