November 18, 2020 7PM (via Zoom)
- Call to order 7:07PM
- Attending: Board – Eric Diller, Elaine Hicks, Dennis Carlsen, Bob Carey, Steve Duck, 24 members and Town Councillor Peter Wainwright
- Motion to approve agenda as presented by Bob Carey, seconded by Eric Diller. Passed.
President’s Report
- presented by Steve Duck, President
- Communications – past meetings, current newsletter (thanks to Elaine), social media (thanks to Eric) and website (thanks to Nicholas)
- Relevance – attendance at Town Council meetings, a representative community voice
- Engagement – Habitat & Environment (thanks to Lynda Comber, Gay Ann, Jocelyn) Ardwell and Beach clean ups, Tree Preservation, Saanich Peninsula Environmental Coalition; Covid Recovery Task Force, vice chair, which provides advice to Council on recovery & resiliency of economic, community, and cultural well being as well as preparation for future Covid; OCP Working Group (thanks to Dennis & members) for review of current OCP document, relevant info to membership.
- Thank you to members for continuing to engage the Board, thank you to Board members stepping down (Elaine Hicks, David Calveley, Patrick Killeen, Gay Ann Silman Krischanowsky)
- presented by Elaine Hicks, Treasurer
- Year end report
- Current bank balance
- Membership
- Motion to accept financial report as presented by Viv Harding, seconded by Elaine Hicks. Passed
Board Elections
- Directed by former board member, David Calveley
- Continuing members: Eric Diller, Nicholas Krischanowsky, Bob Carey, Dennis Carlsen, Steve Duck
- Nominees: Lindy Templeman, Harvey Drdul
- Motion to accept new board of directors as presented by Bob Carey, seconded by Eric Diller. Passed
Moving Forward
- presented by Dennis Carlsen, Board member
- Official Community Plan
- Focus points: Downtown design guidelines, Habitat & Environment, Sidney Crossing
Questions from the Floor
- Initiate SCA meeting via zoom featuring OCP topics in conjunction with charrette topics – Environment, Business Development, Downtown, Residential Housing.
- Reach out to other representative groups like PACs
- Suggest watching the last OCP Committee meeting video – October 27
- Next virtual Town Hall on November 25 – Reay Creek
Thank you for coming and your continued support
Motion to adjourn at 8:07 by Bob Carey.